Tag: New Features

Null Coalescing Assignment Operator in PHP 7.4

October 27, 2020 By arifpavel

Added with PHP 7, the coalesce operator (??) comes in handy when we need to use a ternary operator in conjunction with isset(). It returns the first operand if it exists and is not NULL. Otherwise, it returns the second operand. Here is an example: What this code does is pretty straightforward: it fetches the request parameter and sets a […]

New in Laravel 8

October 27, 2020 By arifpavel
Laravel 8

Laravel 8 officially released on 8th September 2020. The laravel team releases new Laravel version in every 6-month interval with major changes. As Laravel 8 Non-LTS (general version), the Laravel 8 will provide 6 months bug fixes until March 8, 2021, and 1-year security fixes until 8 September 2021. In Laravel 8, we will get […]